If you shared your email and/or mobile number during checkout with the retailer, you can expect to receive the following notifications and, you have the flexibility to opt-in or opt-out of any of them at any time:
1. Your order details have been received
Exciting news! We've received all the important details for your order, including your address, contact info, and more. Your parcel is now on its way to our warehouse, and we'll keep you posted every step of the journey.
We've thoroughly reviewed your delivery information and made necessary corrections . If you notice any discrepancies, such as a missing buzzer number or have any special requests, please use the Order Verification link in your notification to provide us with updates.
2. Your parcel staged for delivery
Your parcel has arrived at our warehouse and is being prepared for delivery! Rest assured, we'll deliver it to you within the estimated time period mentioned in your notification.
3. Your parcel is out for delivery
Our driver has set out from the warehouse this morning/afternoon with your parcel safely on board. They'll be arriving at your address within the 3-hour time window specified in your notification.
4. You are the next stop
Our driver is heading straight to your address to deliver your parcel. They'll be there within the the ETA specified in your notification. See you soon!
5.A Your parcel has been successfully delivered
Our driver successfully delivered your parcel, either directly to you, a third party, or to a secure location in and around your home (Safe Drop). You'll receive proof of delivery (POD), which includes:
1. A photo of your home, showing the physical location where we arrived
2. Depending on the delivery method:
A) An image of the recipient's signature and name
B) A picture of the parcel and the area where it was Safe Dropped
5.B We were unable to deliver your parcel
Unfortunately, your parcel couldn't be delivered as planned. Let's collaborate to ensure your parcel reaches you promptly. Please contact us directly using the information provided in your notification.
If we tried to deliver your Parcel to you but you preferred to return it then we're more than happy to handle the return process for you.