What services does Koorier provide?
Finding an apprenticeship - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
What geographic areas do you service?
Finding an apprenticeship - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
What types of products or do you handle?
Finding an apprenticeship - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
What are your shipping rates?
Finding an apprenticeship - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
What is Koorier's policy for failed delivery attempts?
Finding an apprenticeship - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
Do you provide reverse logistics?
Finding an apprenticeship - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
How do I Return my Parcel?
Finding an apprenticeship - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
My parcel wasn't picked up, there was an "Unsuccessful Pickup Attempt". What happens now?
Finding an apprenticeship - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
What are your customer support hours?

Finding an apprenticeship - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
What are your operations & tech support hours?
Finding an apprenticeship - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
How does Koorier prevent and handle parcel theft during delivery?
Finding an apprenticeship - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
What health and safety measures do you implement in your operations?
Finding an apprenticeship - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
What data security measures are implemented in your system?
Finding an apprenticeship - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)