Delivering More Than Parcels: Shaping the Future of Customer Success at Koorier

Steve Kolbuc
April 19, 2024

Koorier’s vision stretches well beyond the borders of traditional parcel delivery. We envision a world where every interaction, service, and parcel delivers joy and value to our customers—and is aligned with our foundational values of transparency, respect, and sustainability. That’s why we're constantly innovating and finding sustainable new ways to improve customer satisfaction.

Our modus operandi is empowerment via employee engagement. We are able to improve our services and our relationships with customers and the planet by listening to your feedback, whether we receive it via surveys, feedback, or interactive sessions. Our customer service department is the vibrant hub where this listening transforms into action. Here’s how we do it:


  1. Omnichannel Reach
  2. Pre- and Post-Support Delivery
  3. Open Communication
  4. Revising Trainings and SOPs
  5. Measuring Performance
  6. A Motivated, Happy, and Fairly Compensated Staff


1. Omnichannel Reach

Much like our customers, communication is multifaceted. That's why our customer service isn't limited to just one mode of communication: we offer support via phone, email, live chat, and social media, so reaching out to us is as easy as breathing. We stand behind our promise to provide consistent, seamless support to all consumers, regardless of where they are.

2. Pre- and Post-Support Delivery

Support is available throughout the entire delivery process. We take pride in guiding our customers through their journey and ensuring that their experience is stellar from start to finish. Whether you need help with shipment tracking or post-delivery support, we offer attentive support that helps you with every phase of parcel delivery. This can have a big impact on your shipping experience, as quality pre- and post-purchase customer support can increase customer satisfaction rates by up to 73%.

3. Open Communication

To have a successful delivery experience, it’s crucial to bridge the gap between customers, drivers, and supervisors. Our transparent communication policy fosters trust, mutual respect, and an appreciation for our shared goal: a successful and environmentally sustainable delivery.

4. Revising Trainings and SOPs

In the delivery world, change is the only constant. To helpour staff navigate this perpetual change, we equip them with detailed trainingand continuously update our Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). This dynamicknowledge base ensures that they are ready to tackle any challenge with skill,poise, and empathy.

5.Measuring Performance

We firmly believe that “what gets measured gets managed". Tools like our Customer Satisfaction Scores (CSATs), Net Promoter Scores (NPS),and complaint resolution rates serve as compasses towards excellence. These metrics help us refine our strengths and pinpoint areas for improvement, all of which align with our commitment to customer happiness and environmental consciousness.

Better performance rates give us the ability to improve our offerings, too. According to Bain & Company, organizations which excel in customer experience grow revenues 4-8% above industry standards. We can then reinvest that growth into Koorier, resulting in a continuously improving experience.

6. A Motivated, Happy, and Fairly Compensated Staff

Our employees are the foundation upon which Koorier is built. When we take care of them, we improve their well-being, serve our customers better, and foster a better relationship with the environment. That’s why we prioritize fair compensation and a nurturing workplace. This ensures that our staff can deliver their best-efforts and truly feel like a part of the Koorier family.

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